Thursday, November 12, 2015

Form 3 Academic Forum 2015

" A man's pride can be his downfall, and he needs to learn when to turn to others for support and guidance."  Bear Grylls

Choosing six or seven subjects out of a list of options is easy-but choosing the appropriate subjects (apart from the compulsory core subjects of Maths, English and French) can prove hectic at best and nightmarish at worst.  Thursday 3rd September and Friday 4th September, an Academic Forum was held at Keats College Boys Department library.  Targeting Form 3 students, it mainly aimed at providing the students with a clear insight of the various subject options which were available to them. 

Although most of these subjects are familiar to the students, it was very important to clear any preconceived prejudice or fear instilled in their minds regarding the subject and its syllabus content. 
As prospective Form 5 students, it was also quintessential to acquaint them with the challenge awaiting them.  The transition from form 3 level of studies to the level and scope of work expected of Form 4 students is often confusing and disheartening for learners.  The various subject specialists painstakingly paved the cognitive path of scaffolded learning engagingly, incidentally arousing interest in their respective subjects.  

The danger of students opting for a subject simply because their friend(s) do, also had to be circumvented. So, along with extensive and intensive information, students were also provided with the possible career paths opened up by each subject or field.  Students were then given an overview about which subjects were required as prerequisites at Form 5 level so that they could attempt A level studies in those fields.    

Mr. Nemchand was the Master of Ceremony for the event, punctuating each presentation with sound advice to the students. The following educators participated in the forum-offering highly personalised, dynamic and unfailingly impressive presentations, much to the keen interest of the congregated students:

Mr N. Caroopoonen: Physics
Often considered a tough subject, Physics was brought to the level of daily, practical reality while linking the world of assiduous inventions to the necessity of having a vision and dreams.  Students were given a preview of their expected academic achievement.

Mrs Mandarun: Art
Popular with students, the colourful world of Art splashed onto the students' mesmerised gazes as they looked upon previous works of their fellow students.  They were given clear insights into what would be expected of them both in terms of work to be produced and required materials.

Miss Mihilall: Agriculture
Expounding on the world of Agricultural Studies and its prime necessity in the Mauritian economy, the possibilities and scope of studying Agriculture was duly ploughed into students' minds with special emphasis on advanced and tertiary studies options. 

Mrs Beetum: Computer Science
The subject's high relevance to the present and future technological development of the country was firmly keyed to the students, making them aware of how what they would be studying already influences the world around them.  Examination requisites and future prospects were also indicated.

Mr. Durmah: Sociology
Discoursing on the study of Sociology, the students' were put at ease by a careful linking of what has already been done in lower secondary classes content-wise and the challenges awaiting them. Students' were also acquainted with syllabus and written examination details.

Mr. Doomun: Design
The subject's contents and qualifications required to take the subject were run through.  The students' were enlightened as to the expected workload. 

Mrs Pursun: French Literature
A usually rather popular choice among students, the presentation was an enchanting introduction to the magic world of French Literature by first depicting a few of the great literary masters and subtly directing the students into the potentials of studying human nature.  Care was taken to differentiate between the work completed in Forms 1-3 and the level expected in Form 4-5.  A glimpse into the examination was also demonstrated.

Mrs Belath: Food and Nutrition
Although not completely new for the students, the Food and Nutrition presentation sizzled the subject's relevance and importance at present- and later on should the students choose to opt for tertiary studies or job opportunities in this field. Hygiene requirements and the necessary equipment needed for the two-year study were run through.  Edible samples of students' own preparations were then distributed to the great appreciation of those present: a multi-flavoured evidence of the desirability of studying the subject.

Mr Kut: Chemistry
This exposé introduced the notion of Chemistry as a necessity to avoid the daily traps of  consumerism- as a stepping stone to imparting why knowledge of Chemistry as a subject is of prime importance.  The notion of experimentation was kindled with labels distributed to be analysed to the eager interest of the assembly, after which an insight of the formal examinations was given. 

Mr Rai: Additional Maths
Starting off by triggering the students' interest with a few algebraic problem-solving examples, the presentation convincingly shorn away the veils of fear associated to what is popularly termed a 'difficult' subject.  Presenting the subject as a fascinating challenge welding formulae-memorisation with sheer logic, students were taken through a brief overlook of the subject content and examinations requisites.   

Miss Noorah: Biology
The study of Biology was synthesised as the quintessential study of life itself, displaying the subject as vividly dynamic with a wide-reaching scope.  Examination components were duly highlighted and the video shown to the students successfully enthused them.

Mrs Gaungoo: Theology
A completely novel subject option for the students, the presentation connected Theology to the students' daily lives and glibly ran through the nature and components of the subject to be studied. 

Armed to the teeth with full knowledge of each and every subject option available to them, the form 3 students are well-prepared to make informed and intelligent choices.  On behalf of the whole staff, a hearty salute and a grand ovation to all the participating staff members who conceived, helped organise and present this most successful academic subject orientation forum. 

Article & images: Mrs. Nafeedah Koodaruth

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