Monday, March 28, 2011

Sports Day 25 March 2011- Riambel Playground

Hi friends,

The Sports Day held at Riambel Football ground was very lively with sooooo many colours...The different houses namely: Red, Blue and Green were well prepared by the respective house masters/mistresses. The athletes from each houses gave good performances and made their respective houses proud. The weather too was in a festive mood - sun shining brightly...

The 'Maskot' and the different symbols for the different houses were very interesting.

Our athletes gave their level best.. and success was for the RED...!!! Congrats Red.

Our athletes performing...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Independence Day 2011- Girl's Dept

Hello every1,

Enjoy the pictures of the independence day 2011 at Girl's Department.
The chorus was excellent as usual. The host for the ceremony was Mrs.Jessica.
Our rector, Mr.Tony accompanied by the Guests Of Honour appreciating the chorus..
A small get-together to celebrate our Independence day!! The staff of Keats College in a very joyous mood...
Our Manager, Mr.Clement Wong and our rector, Mr.Tony Wong accompanied by the guests of Honour

Friday, March 11, 2011

Independence Day 2011 - Boy's Dept

Hello keatsians,

Here are some pics about Independence/Republic Day celebrations at Valentina. It has been a very nice ceremony with lots of emotions, patriotism and "l'ambience"!! The Keats College Boys were just too good as always!!! The parade trained by Mrs.Ramasamy & Mr.Dookhit and conducted by L'amoureux of Form 5 was really captivating!!

Our school chorus too, supervised by Mrs. Ramasamy and Mrs.Moctee, was as good as ever...

Our "animatrice", Miss.Appadu, was just too perfect with her indian accent...
A deserved round of applause for the keats College family..Our thanks go to all teaching and non-teaching staff, who have greatly contributed to the success of this ceremony. Hats off to our exemplary students who are always willing to keep up the good reputation of our beloved institution.

Three cheers 4 Keats College!!...Hip Hip Hip Hourrayyyy!!!