Our colleagues have organised a very nice and welcoming Divali party for their friends and the management. The party was chaired by Miss Varuna Mihilall. A very cordial and relaxing mood was prevailing there where we had the pleasure to hear melodious songs from some colleagues namely Mr.Tayab, Mr.Deerpalsing, Mr.Nemchand, Mr.Rossaye, Mr.Mungly, Mrs.Pursun, Mrs.Baboulall, Miss Gobhurdhun and Miss Martingale.
Form 1 & Form 2 students participated in the poster competition and 20 paintings were selected. 4 prizes were given to the winners.
1st prize: Munsoo (Girl's Dept) - F2 Blue
2nd Prize: Tzu Chenge (Girl's Dept) - F2 Blue
3rd Prize: Croutshe (Boy's Dept)- F 1 Blue
Special Prize: Bottechar (Girl's Dept) Form 1 Orange
The workshop scheduled on Monday 13 October 2014 in the Computer Laboratory was a peer tutoring session where Mr. Avish Ramgoolam made the presentation on the step by step guidelines to format a question paper as per the requirements given by the management. Mrs Johaheer and Mrs Jannoo from the IT department at Valentina Doys Dept helped their colleagues to do the steps. We were very pleased to get the help from teachers namely Mr.Rai, Mr. Preetam Boodun, Mr. Rossaye and Mrs Mohadoo who are well versed with technology to help the other colleagues with the formatting session.
We are very grateful with the management of Keats college for providing us with this great opportunity for improving our standard. Since nowadays we are talking about Quality Assurance, it is an opportunity for the staff of Keats College to excel themselves.
We thank all those who have helped in making this workshop a success.
Keats JAM LTD was founded in 2014
Vision : Business Leaders of Tomorrow
Mission : Promote entrepreneurial skills among students
Objectives: To undertake a profitable business activity; to develop a new product; to make a turnover of Rs 10 000 ; to realize a 10% return on investment.
Keats JAM LTD was initially established on 3rd March 2014 after Mr.Vincent of Junior Achievement Mascareigns had visited our school to launch the JAM Enterprise program. An award ceremony was organized by Mr. Rassool Rossaye for the students who are actively involved in this enterprise. The products that the company were selling were school badges and pizzas prepared by the Form 4B. The ceremony was hosted by a Form 3 student, Mr.Ryan.