Our Form 5 and Upper 6 Section Leader, Miss Appadu has taken the initiative of inviting the parents of the Form 5 and Upper 6 students to school to give them an overview of what is being done for their wards and what is expected of them to help the students. Information about the payment of examinations’ fees was also explained to them. Mr.Mungly and Mr.Koomar talked to the parents about the performance of their wards and what have to be done to achieve better results and thus enabling the latters to become the leaders of tomorrow. The parents were also given the chance to discuss the performance of their wards with their respective teachers.
Our annual flag raising day was celebrated with much fervor and pomp on the 11th March. As per the tradition, the Prime Minister’s message was read by none other than our Chief Guest for the day, Marie Jose Baudot, who undoubtedly graced the event by her distinguished presence. In her personal message, Mrs. Baudot encouraged our students to give their best so as to succeed, not only in their studies but in their life as well.
Everyone at the girls’ department came together today, 14/03/13, to bid farewell to one of the ‘oldest’ family members of the Keats family, namely Mrs. Monty. We all shared a common convivial meal together on that occasion. We also got to learn about her enriching journey at Keats College through some of the moving speeches of those present. I, on behalf of all Keatsians, seize this opportunity to wish Mrs. Monty a happy and fulfilling retirement.
“Chaque Livre est une fenêtre que l’on peut contempler ou fermer. C’est un objet mythique, un lien inégalé entre l’auteur et le lecteur.” Carl de Souza
Le 7 Mars dernier, treize étudiants de la Forme deux et trois ont visité le salon international du livre au Centre Swami Vivekananda à Pailles. Ce salon qui avait réuni plusieurs écrivains venus des quatres coins du monde, a beaucoup inspiré nos jeunes étudiants. Ryan Seethanah de la forme deux bleu est intervenu lors de notre assemblée du vendredi le 8 Mars pour s’exprimer : « J’ai eu l’occasion de voir des livres très anciens et je remercie le collège Keats de m’avoir donné une telle occasion« a-t-il dit.
Parmi les écrivains, figuraient les auteurs mauriciens très cèlèbres ;notamment Carl de Souza, Shenaz Patel, Nathacha Appanah, Alain Gordan-Gentil. Nos élèves ont même eu l’opportunité de converser avec l’une des auteurs mauriciens, Rukaiya Dooreemeah.
A grand celebration at Valentina Department was organised, in spite of the rain at the beginning of the ceremony, superbly mastered by Miss Dreena Arjoon. It was a great moment for students & staff to listen to Mr.Robert Fabre, Chief Guest and ex-teacher reading the message of the Prime-Minister. Excellent message from ex-students Pilla Mulliah and Adaya to our students. They were perceived as perfect role models. Remarkable presence of the President and member of the PTA. Good job by the STUDENTS COUNCIL who acted perfectly for the occasion. There was fabulous performance by keats college boys orchestra and indeed a great future is reserved for these musicians. A friendly get together was ensured by the catering committee. A big BRAVO to everybody to have made the celebration a great success.
Article: Mr.Dev Dhurmah (Head of Department Of Sociology)
Images: Ms.Sabinah Noorah, Mr.Avish Ramgoolam & Miss Varouna Mihilall