It is important to point out that this activity is not only meant to propagate Oriental Languages, but also to market our College, to mark our presence as a continuum in the development of the Chemin-Grenier and the neighbour villages in the field of education and culture.
For the day, we welcomed:
Some 360 Primary students,
12 resource persons from the MGI and State Schools,
Volunteers like Mr Polin, Miss Potanah...
24 Primary teachers
Some 20 guests including our chief guest Mrs Randhonee From MGI and Mr Rajaram from Zone 3, Rector of Sungeelee SSS, Inspectors from Zone 3,
Our Sponsors: Managers of SBM, Archies, Mirro Verre etc
Carry out 23 Competitions
125 students awarded a prize
All 360 Students an attendance certificate
A big THANK YOU goes to Mr.Unnuth and his team for the great success of this event.